Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fuel For The Race

Race Fuel

Runners, cyclists, and other endurance athletes are constantly looking for ways to improve their performance.  A commonly used strategy is the use of nutritional supplements to “boost” energy and enable them to perform longer and or harder before fatigue sets in.  The majority of energy used during endurance events is derived from carbohydrates.  Carbohydrates can be stored in the liver and skeletal muscle as glycogen.  When exercise lasts longer than 60 minutes, glycogen stores begin to deplete. Without the number one supplier of energy during exercise, fatigue will be soon to follow.  An easy way to help maintain carbohydrate levels, slow down the rate of glycogen depletion and aid in performance is to consume a carbohydrate/electrolyte solution.  Ideally this beverage should be a 4-8% carbohydrate solution.  Ideally you should try to consume 8-12 oz every 10-15 min (around 30-60 grams of carbohydrates total).  This should help maintain carbohydrate levels within the body and help delay the onset of fatigue.  The beverage or food should be high in carbohydrate and well tolerated.  This exogenous source of carbohydrates can significantly boost the energy delivered to working muscles and delay fatigue.  The most common sources of carbohydrates used, typically include: sports beverages, crackers, bananas, carbohydrate gels, and bread.  Regardless of which type of carbohydrate used, the main goal is to help supplement the body with additional sources of energy during exercise.

Another important, and often overlooked, ergogenic aid during endurance events is water.  During exercise in the heat, sweat rates of up to 1.5-2 L/hr have been reported. This can quickly lead to dehydration and ultimately a drop in performance.   Every 1% of your body weight lost as sweat results in an increased heart rate of 7 beats per minute which can put additional stress on the cardiovascular system during exercise.  It’s been estimated that a 4% loss can result in a 48% decrease in endurance capacity.  Therefore the number one priority during long distance events (especially in the heat) should be hydration.   

A number of studies have also shown that caffeine ingestion can significantly improve endurance capacity as well.  Caffeine ingestion can increase fat mobilization (up to 18%) in the blood and allow it to be burned as fuel.  This allows carbohydrate stores to last longer and essentially “spare glucose” which can also delay the onset of fatigue.  Studies have shown increases of up to 20% in performance following the ingestion of caffeine.  Doses of 3 to 9 mg per kg of body weight or a total of 250mg have been shown to be the most effective.  

Go Big or Go Home!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Is Creatine Realy Worth It?
I’ve been asked on numerous occasions: “Does creatine really work?” “What’s the best kind of creatine?” “How should I take it?” So, I thought I would clear the air a little bit and help eliminate any confusion.  To answer the previous questions quickly: Yes, creatine monohydrate, and 5g every day.  Now, for the longer version…

What is Creatine?
Creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid-like compound found primarily in muscle.  The average American’s diet contains 2-3g of creatine per day and the body also produces 2-3g per day.  Creatine is a molecule that aids in the production of energy during bursts of high intensity exercise.

How Does it Work?
 The energy system that relies heavily on creatine can typically provide energy lasting up to 10 seconds.  Therefore by increasing the internal stores of creatine, one could maintain a higher level of exercise for a longer period of time before fatigue set in.

What’s The Best Kind? And How Should I Take It?
There are hundreds of different types and brands of creatine on the market which can get a little confusing to pick just one.  To make it easy, just stick to creatine monohydrate. It has repeatedly been shown to not only be effective but also superior when compared to any other form of creatine.  Numerous studies have shown that as little as 5g of creatine per day is enough to increase creatine stores within the muscle 40-60%.  Some people insist on “cycling” creatine which consists of rotating high and low doses throughout a training period.  This really isn’t necessary unless you are trying to peak at certain times during a training phase.  However, if you regularly consume 5g per day you wouldn’t need to cycle and you would maintain a constant level of elevated creatine stores.

What if I Don’t Work Out?
Even if you are do not regularly work out creatine supplementation may still benefit you.  A lot of recent research in the medical community has suggested hundreds of possible benefits from creatine supplementation, including: enhanced neurological functioning, improved memory, quicker recoveries from a cardiovascular event and enhanced immunity.

Long story short, TAKE CREATINE!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

Juice, roids, gym candy, pumpers and stackers are all common nicknames for substances more technically referred to as anabolic-androgenic steroids.  Anabolic steroids are defined as any type of exogenous drug that mimics the effects of testosterone in the body.  Most people take them with the goal of increasing muscle mass, improving performance or enhancing physical appearance.  It is estimated that as many as 3 million Americans have used non-medicinal anabolic androgenic steroids.  It is difficult to get exact numbers and figures on the prevalence of steroid use in today’s world because of legislature that was passed in 1990 classifying steroids as illegal substances.  It may be hard to believe but the majority of anabolic steroid users are actually non-athletes.  In fact a recent study estimated that 90% of steroid users do not claim sports as a motivator for use. 
There are many different kinds of anabolic-androgenic steroids available. Some of them need to be injected directly in to the muscle, others come in pill form and some can even be administered through a patch.  Unfortunately, more often than not multiple kinds of steroids are taken together which is commonly referred to as “stacking.”  However, users can often get into a lot of trouble by combining multiple substances since the effects of these substances taken together are unknown.
Anabolic steroid use has been shown to increase strength and muscle mass while at the same time decreasing fat mass which is part of what makes them so enticing.  However, the side-effects and safety of these agents is another issue; as the list of possible health risks is endless.  Some of the main categories of side-effects include adverse cardiac, metabolic, reproductive, skin and psychological effects.  Side-effects affecting the cardiovascular system consist of increases in blood pressure, increases in “bad” cholesterol, and an increased risk of blood clots.  All of these can increase one’s chance of suffering a stroke or heart attack.  Long-term steroid use in males has been associated with testicular atrophy, infertility and gynecomastia (the development of breasts).  In females steroid use seems to have a “masculinizing” effect, resulting in the development of male characteristics such as a deepening of the voice, onset of facial hair and baldness.  Steroid users often report problems with skin acne and lesions as well.  Another common side-effect of steroid use is the psychological issues that occur.  For example, a lot of steroid users often report mood swings or increases in aggressive behavior, commonly referred to as “Roid Rage.”  This is just a short list of the known negative side-effects associated with steroid use; the list goes on and on. So if you’re considering taking steroids with the idea of getting bigger, stronger or faster, you must first ask yourself, “Is the juice worth the squeeze?”